










3.以“辅音字母+ y"结尾的名词,大多数变y为i再加-es;以“元音字母+ y"结尾的名词直接加-S

















5.以“辅音字母+ o”结尾的名词,多数情况下加-es,photo、piano除外;以“元音字母+ o”结尾的名词一般加-s。


heroe→ heroes


potato →potatoes


②zoo→zoos radio→radios




foot →feet

tooth →teeth


7.表示“某国人”的词变复数时,Chinese、Japanese等单复数形式相同; Englishman、Frenchman是把字母a变成字母e;American、Australian、Canadian、German等是在词尾直接加-s。





daughters-in-law ;“man/woman+名词”式的合成名词,两个名词须同时变为复数形式,如:

two men teachers两名男老师

five women nurses五名女护士

Three men drivers三名男司机

Five women lawyers五名女律师

9.“数词+名词( +形容词)”构成的合成词作定语。


①a two week holiday

=two weeks' holiday


② an hour's ride


③three hour's walk


10. 单复数形式相同的名词

Chinese ,Japanese , sheep,deer,fish等名词的单复数形式相同。




people意为“人们”时本身即为复数概念;意为“民族”时为单数,其复数形式为peoples。family、 team、army等侧重整体概念时常以单数形式出现,若表示多个这样的整体有复数形式,其变化规则与其他可数名词变复数时的变化规则一样;若侧重成员则表示复数意义。

①There are many people in the square.广场上有许多人。

②There are 56 peoples in China.


③Our family are watching TV.


④Our family is a big family.



①物质名词和抽象名词一般为不可数名词,如bread、money、paper(表示“纸”之意),medicine、advice、 music、weather 等;

②news虽以s结尾,但它是一个不可数名词。这些词常借助piece、 cup、pair等单位词表示数量,若表示复数概念,需要把单位词变成复数形式。

A piece of news一则新闻

Three pieces of news三则新闻

A piece of advice一条建议

A slice of bread一片面包

Two pairs of trousers两条裤子

A pair of glasses一副眼镜

A basket of food一篮子食物

Six pieces of paper六张纸


①fish意为“鱼”时是可数名词,指种类时其复数为fishes, 指条数时单复数同形;意为餐桌上的“鱼肉”时为不可数名词。


③orange 意为“橙子”时为可数名词;意为“橙色"时为不可数名词。


⑤chicken 意为“小鸡”时为可数名词,意为“鸡肉”讲时为不可数名词。


(1) few、many、several、a number of、 a great/ good many、a couple of和many a等只能修饰可数名词;

(2) a little, much,a good/great deal of、a bit of和a large ,amount of等只能修饰不可数名词;

(3)some、a lot of、lots of、plenty of、all等既能修饰可数名词复数,也能修饰不可数名词。



Lucy's mother露西的妈妈

CChina's capital中国的首都


Teachers ' Day教师节


Children's Day儿童节


At the doctor's在诊所


Tom and Mary's room


Tom' s and Mary's room




It's two hours' drive开车两小时的路程


15 tons’weight 十五吨的重量

800 meters’distance 八百米的距离


A 3000 yuan's order 三千元的订货单

A 500 pounds’ note 五百元的钞票


the earth' s satellite地球卫星


Australia’s capital澳大利亚的首都


Shanghai’s population上海的人口

16. of所有格


The door of the room房间的门

Beijing is the capital of China北京是中国的首都


“of +-'s所有格/名词性物主代词”构成双重所有格。双重所有格表示部分概念,of前的名词通常有限定词,如a、an、one、some、many、any、no等;of后用-'s所有格的名词必须是明确限定、指人的。

(1)He is a friend of your brother’s.


(2)He is a friend of your brother.



1. -Could you give me a few____on how to spend the coming summer holidays.

-Ok. Let me see.

A. hobbies

B. knowledge

с. suggestions

D. information

2. -How can Julie say bad words about me? I thought we were good friends .

-Who told you that? Friends need____.

A. courage

B. distance

с. trust

D. shame

3. -Have you decided to hold the party in the open air, Linda?

Not yet. It depends on the______.

It often rains here.

A. mood

B. weather

C. cost

D. day

4. Do you have any___ for tonight?

-Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach?

A. problems

B. news

C. plans

D. rules

5. The New Silk Road will offer a good___for more nations to communicate.

A. chance

B. habit

C. question

D. price

6. Daniel has tried to lose___by eating less recently, but two kilos has been put on instead.

A. weight

B. weights

c. height

D. heights

7. "It depends on my___decision," the mother said and looked at her two sons.

A. children

B. children's

c. child

D. child's

8. Jennifer takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of___.

A. knowledge

B. energy

C. change

D. courage

9. If you go to visit London, don't forget your___because it often rains there.

A. passport

B. money

c. map

D. umbrella

10. Mum, there is ittle food in the fridge. Let's buy some___and___.

A. chicken; potato

B. chickens; potato

C. chicken; potatoes

D . chickens; potatoes

11.-Where can I buy some books, Simon?

-Go to the___in the shopping mall in Old Street. You will find many books there.

A. restaurant

B. bookshop

C. cinema

D. library

12. David visited lots of___in the world.

A. places of interesting

B. places of interest

c. place of interests

D. place of interesting

13. Our school uniforms are out of____

We think young people should look smart.

A. luck

B. sight

c. reach

D. fashion

14. -Why are you late for work again?

-The__ is that I lost my keys to the car.

A. reason

B. question

C. message

D. difficulty

5. There are some___in Dayton Art Institute Museum. For example, no food or drinks is allowed inside.

A. jobs

B. records

c. rules

D. paintings


1. - -Dad, have you told Mum that I will come back next Wednesday?

-No. Let's keep it___and give her a surprise.

A. chance

B. choice

C. secret

D. idea

2. --It's hot today. Have some___, please.

- -No, thanks. I'm not thirsty at all.

A. water

B. sugar

c. bread

D. chicken

3. Tom didnt find much____about the topic on that website .

A. report

B. article

C. information

D. story

4. - -What would you like to eat?

Some_____, please.

A. pear

B. coffee

c. tea

D. bread

5. Today is September 10th. It's__ Day. Iet's say "Thank you "to our teachers.

A. Teacher's

B. the Teachers

c. Teachers

D. Teachers

6. -How time flies! It is two___since we met last.

Soit is. I miss you so much.

A. months

B. monthes

C. months'

D. month's

7. During the Spring Festival, people in North China usually eat_____as a traditional Chinese food.

A. pizza

B. dumplings

C. hamburgers

D. bread

8. The old man can't hear us well because there's something wrong with his_____.

A. mouth

B. nose

c. ears

D. eyes

9. -Bill, what's your sister's favourite____?

She likes volleyball best.

A. food

B. colour

c. sport

D. movie

10. - -What's the___of the book?

Five dollars.

A. time .

B. price

c. date

D. colour

11. The___of some wild animals reminds us about the___on the environment.

A. loss; problems B. lose; problem

C. lose; problems

D. loss; problem

12. Thanks a lot for offering a great deal of____to me in my research.

-It is my pleasure.

A. ideas

B. thoughts

c. suggestions

D. advice

13. Do you know the____of your mother s birth?

Yes. It's July 14th.

A. age

B. year

c. month

D. date

14. What do you like for dinner?

-I like some___for dinner.

A. bread

B. hamburger

C. apple

D. egg

15. Many people go to Tian anmen Square to watch the national_____

raised on National Day .

A. flag

B. flower

c. sign

D. wonder


1. If you need further____about our products, please surf the Internet.

A. information

B. experience

c. practice

D. expression

2. There are more than one hundred teachers in our school, and most of them are____.

A. men's teachers

B. man teachers

c. men teacher

D. men teachers

3. Kaili is one of the most beautiful___

in Guizhou.

A. city

B. cities

c. countries

D. country

4. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one_____.

A. candy

B. cake

C. banana

D. hamburger

5. Did the policeman give much_____

on how to protect personal information?

A. note

B. tip

C. advice

D. book

6.一Are you thirsty?

- Yes, please give us______.

A. three bottle water

B. three bottle of water

C. three bottles of water

D. three bottles of waters

7、Many____are playing an active part in making Kunming a beautiful city.

A. man

B. woman

C. volunteer

D. volunteers

8. -l'm afraid I won't be able to get to the top of the mountain. It's hard for me.

- Keep on! I'm sure you have a strong_____.

A. experience

B. excuse

C. will

D. habit

9. If you want to get more information about English learning, please visit our____www.sanyanenglish. com.

A. company

B. store

C. office

D. website

10. These are their_____.They are very nice.

A. model plane

B. models plane

C. model planes

D. models planes

11. This jacket is 100 yuan, and that one is 105 yuan. There is not much___

in price.

A. difference

B. height

C. result

D. point

12. Tom is in good health, because he often exereises and cats a lot of healthy

A. food

B. water

C. pear

D. carrot

13.一What's your favourite sport?

一I like______best.

A. swimming

B. televisions

C. music

D. books

14. It's _____for lunch. I walk to the dining hall three ______a day.

A. times; time

B. time; times

C. times; times

D. time; time

15.一l'm afraid I will get lost in Sydney. It's my first time to be here, you see.

一Don't worry. Here is a______. It will help you.


A. newspaper____________

B. watch_____________

C. map_____________

D. camera_____________

1. Chinese_____________

2. cat__________

3. man__________

4. knife___________

5. Zoo___________

6. match___________

7. bridge__________

8. tooth__________

9. class___________

10. potato___________

11. piece___________

12. shelf___________


1. I can sce many___(绵羊) in the picture.

2. I think dragons are the _________(象征) of China.

3. Lisa was so careless that she made many speling ____(错误) in her homework.

4. The____(夏天) of Chongqing is really hot, but we still like living here.

5.Anniehasa_____(牙疼), and she is going to see her dentist today.

6. People in the UK eat with_____(刀) and forks.

7. I'd like to write him a letter, but I don't know his____(地址).

8. She is the editor of a popular women's(杂志).

9. Bothof us love all the old (照相机) at the museum.

10. Romantic____(电影) usually have happy endings.


water ,factory , ticket , leaf, day , word,cake , hour ,woman teacher,drive

1. There are twenty____in our school.

2. Dave really likes driving. I think being a_____is just right for him.

3. In this test, we're asked to write a passage of about 80______.

4. They visited some____and hospitals.

5. Everyone needs to have at least eight______sleep at night.

6. How much are the____for the concert?

7. He left two _____ago.

8. There is a little____left; you may drink it.

9. I'm hungry. I'd like to eat some

10. Look! The yellow____are falling from the trees.


1. There are some____(shirt) and they are in different sizes.

2. Emily likes ____(child) very much and she wants to be a teacher in the future.3. We are going to my____(aunt) to have a party this evening.

4. When there aren't many trees, the ground can't keep enough___(water).

5. I need to buy three________

( tomato) in the supermarket.

6. What will you buy for our father on

_____(father) Day.

7. We have outdoor____(activity) on Friday afternoon.

8. My sister, Alice, drank two__ glass) of milk this morning.

9. There will be more and more _____(woman) engineers in future.

10. Jim hasa lot of______(homework) to do, so he cant go out with us.









答案解析:I .单项选择(一)

1.C题意:“你能给我一此关于如何度过即将到来的暑假的建议吗?”“好的。让我想想。"suggestion“建议,提议”,符合题意。hobby“业余爱好”; knowledge“知识”;information"消息”。

2.C题意:“朱莉怎么可以说我的坏话呢?我以为我们是好朋友。”“谁告诉你的?朋友之间需要信任。"trust“信任”,符合题意。courage“勇气”; distance“距离”; shame"羞

3. B题意:“琳达,你已经决定了在户外举行聚会吗?”“还没有。这取决于天气。这里经常下雨。”由“It often rains here. ”可知,weather"天气”,符合题意。mood"情绪”;cost“成本;费用”;day“一天” 。

4.C题意:“你今晚有什么计划吗?”“还没有。去海滩野餐怎么样?"plan“计划,打算”,符合题意。problem“ 问题,难题”; news“消息";rule“规则,规定”。

5.A题意:新丝绸之路会给更多国家之间的交流提供一个很好的机会。chance" 机会”,符合题意。habit" 习惯”;question“问题”;price“价格”。

6. A题意:丹尼尔最近在靠节食减肥, 但是相反却重了两千克。loseweight“减肥”,为固定短语,故选A。

7. B题意:“这取决于我的孩子们的决定。”那位妈妈看着她的两个儿子说道。表示“孩子们的"应用名词所有格,由two sons可知child要用复数形式children,故选B.

8.B题意:珍妮弗每天都做大量的运动,她总是充满活力。energy“活力”, 符合题意。knowledge"知识”; change"改变”; courage“勇气”。

9.D题意:如果你去游览伦敦,不要忘记带伞,因为那里经常下雨。umbrella"伞”,符合题意。passport" 护照”; money“钱”; map“地图”。

10. C题意:妈妈,冰箱里没有食物了。我们去买一些鸡肉和土豆吧。some修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,chicken作“鸡肉”讲时为不可数名词;potato为可数名词,复数形式为potatoes.

11.B题意:“西蒙,我在哪里能买到书?”“去老街上的购物广场里的书店吧。在那里你会找到许多书。”bookshop"书店”,符合题意。restaurant“ 餐馆”; cinema“电影院”;library"图书馆”。

12.B题意:戴维游览过世界上很多名胜古迹。place of interest“ 名胜古迹”,是固定短语,其复数形式是在place 词尾加-s,interest不变。

13. D题意:我们的校服过时了。我们认为年轻人应该看起来整洁漂亮。outoffashion“过时的;不流行的”,符合题意。out of luck“不走运”;out of sight"在视野外,看不见";out of reach“够不到”。

14. A题意:“你为什么 上班又迟到了?”“原因是我丢了车钥匙。”reason“原因”,符合题意。question“问 题”; message“消息”;difficulty"困难”。

15.C题意:代顿艺术中心博物馆有很多规定。例如,任何食物和饮料都不允许带进去。rule“规定”,符合题意。job“工作”;record记录”; painting“绘画(作品)”。


1. C题意:“爸爸,你告诉了妈妈我下周三要回去吗?”“没有。让我们保守秘密,给她一个惊喜。"secret"秘密”,符合题意。chance“机会”;choice'选择”; idea“主意”。

2. A题意:“今天很热。请喝点水。”“不用了,谢谢。我一点儿也不渴。”由答语中的thirsty 可知,正确答案应表达可以喝的东西,故选A。

3. C题意:汤姆在那个网站上没有找到太多关于那个话题的信息。much 修饰不可数名词,选项中只有information为不可数名词,且符合题意,故选C。

4. D题意:“你想吃点什么?”“请来些面包。”由问句中的eat可排除B、C两项;由答语中的some可知正确答案应为可数名词复数或不可数名词,故选D。

5. D题意:今天是9月10日。是教师节。让我们对我们的老师说声“谢谢你”。表达“教师节”用Teachers' Day,是固定短语。

6. A题意:“时间过得真快!自从我们上次见面到现在已经两个月了。”"确实如此。我很想念你。"month"月”,是可数名词,前面有 two修饰,故用复数形式months。

7. B题意;春节期间,中国北方的人们通常吃-种中国传统食物水饺。由常识可知,dumpling"水饺”,符合题意。pizza"比萨”; hamburger"汉堡" ; bread"“面包”。

8. C 题意:那个老人听不清我们说话,因为他的耳朵有毛病。ear"耳朵”,符合题意。 mouth嘴,nose鼻子,eye眼睛。

9. C题意:“比尔,你妹妹最喜欢什+么运动?”“她最喜欢排球。”由答语中的wlybal只是询问“运动”,故选sport. food食物,colour颜色;movie电影。

10. B题意:“那本书的价格是多少?”“五美元”。price“价格”, 符合题意。time“时间”; date"日期" ;colour颜色”。

11. A题意:一些野生动物的失去提醒我们注意环境问题。第一空作主语,需要-个名词,故用名词loss; 环境问题不止一个,故第二空要用复数形式。

12. D题意:“谢谢你在我的研究中给予了大量的建议。”“不客气。"a great deal of后只能接不可数名词,在四个选项中只有advice是不可数名词。

13.D题意:“你知道你妈妈的出生日期吗?”“我知道。是7月14日。"date“日期”,符合题意。age" 年龄”;year“年份”; month“月份”。


15. A题意:很多人在国庆节去天安门广场看升国旗。flag"旗”, 符合题意。flower“花”; sign“信号”;wonder“奇迹”。


1. A题意:如果你需要更多关于我们产品的信息,请上网浏览。information“信息”, 符合题意。experience" 经验;经历”:practice“练习";expression" 表达”。

2.D题意:我们学校有一百多名教师,其中大多数是男教师。“man+名词"结构的复数形式是两个词都要变复数,故选D3.B题意:凯里是贵州最美丽的城市之一。one of后用可数名词复数,由in Guizhou可排除countries故选B.

4.C题意,水果对健康有好处,所以我经常早餐吃一根香蕉。根据前面的fruit 可知,应选ben“香蕉”。cndy”糖果",”;cake“蛋糕”; hambure“汉堡”,都不属于水果。

5. C题意;那名警察给了很多关于如何保护个人信息的建议吗?空前有much, 故不可数名词advice 符合题意。note“笔记 ;便条”,tip“窍门;建议”,book"书”,都是可数名词,不能用much修饰。

6. C题意:“你们口渴吗?”“是的,请给我们三瓶水。water是不可数名词,无复数形式,故排除D项;单位词bottle 为可数名词,前面有three修饰,应用复数形式,故选C.


8. C题意:“恐怕我不能够到达山顶。这对于我来说很难。”“继续前进!我相信你有坚强的意志力。”will“意志力”,符合题意。experience“经历”;excuse"借口”;habit“习惯”。

9. D题意:如果你想得到更多关于英语学习的信息,请访问我们的网站一wrwrw. sanyanenglish. com。website “网站”,符合题意。 company“公 司”; store“商店”;ffice“办公室”。

10. C题意:这些是他们的飞机模型。这些模型很好看。名词作定语通常用单数,所以用model;根据后面句子中的人称代词they可知,前一句的“飞机模型”表示复数意义,所以C项正确。

11. A题意:这件夹克100元,那件105元。在价格上没有太大差别。difference“差别”,符合题意。height" 高度" ; result“结果";point"分数;观点;意图”。

12.A题意:汤姆身体健康,因为他经常锻炼并且吃很多健康的食物。a lot of后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,由此可以排除C:D两项;eat意为“吃”,它的宾语应为food,故选A项。

13. A题意:“你最喜 欢的运动是什么?"“我最喜欢游泳。”swimming“游泳”,符合题意。 television“ 电视(机)”; music“音乐”; book“书”。

14. B题意:到了吃午饭的时间了。我一一天三次走着去食堂。It's time for sth.“到了做某事的时候了”,是固定句型,故第一空用time; time作“次数”讲是可数名词,前面有three修饰,故第二空应用tines

15.C题意:“我怕我会在悉尼迷路。 你知道的,这是我第一次 来这里。”“别担心,这儿有张地图,它会帮助你的。”map“地图”,符合题意。newspaper“报纸”;watch“手表”; camera"相机”。


1. Chinese 2. cats 3. men 4. knives

5. zoos 6. matches 7. bridges

8. teeth 9. classes 10. potatoes

11. pieces 12. shelves


1. sheep 2. symbol 3. mistakes

4. summer 5. toothache 6. knives

7. address 8. magazine 9. cameras

10. movies/ films


1. women teachers 2. driver

3. words 4. factories 5. hours'

6. tickets 7. days 8. water

9. cakes 10. leaves


1. shirts 2. children

3. aunt's 4. water

5. tomatoes 6. Father's

7. activities 8. glasses

9. women 10. homework


1. Kate's mother mum

2. the winter of Jinan

3.friend of mine

4. three Japanese

5. my bike/ bicycle

6. three fish

7. a piece of news

8. my sister's shoes

9. tomorrow's work

10. Tom's house/home

标签 theroom3endings