




WoW Classic is coming this summer, letting fans finally go back to the moment where it all started.


Blizzard said it would never happen, but it's happening: World of Warcraft is getting legacy servers that emulate Azeroth as it existed back in 2006. Called World of Warcraft Classic, this remake aims to rekindle that insatiable desire to grind that kept so many of us up late into the night. And it's coming soon.


World of Warcraft's vanilla launch—before expansion packs took players to far away locales and significantly changed the core game—is one of the most pivotal moments in PC gaming. But that also raises a lot of questions: Which patch will Classic be based on? How will updates work? What is the WoW Classic release date, and how much will it cost?


Here's everything we know so far about WoW Classic, including its release date, update schedule, and more.



We don't yet have a specific release date, but Blizzard has said WoW Classic will launch sometime this summer.

我们还没有具体的发布日期,但暴雪已经表示WoW Classic将在今年夏天推出。



Blizzard hasn't explicitly stated whether players will have to buy WoW Classic up front in order to play, but it has said that you won't require a separate subscription to play it. Those who already subscribe to WoW will have WoW Classic included in the price of their subscription. Those who don't actively play WoW will have to pay the usual $15 USD a month to play it.



As we approach the summer release date, Blizzard is constantly revealing new information. More recently, it revealed how itemization would work in WoW Classic. Without going into too much detail, all abilities and equipment will function as they did in patch 1.12. While dungeons, raids, and PvP features will gradually roll out like they did during WoW's initial release, equipment and abilities won't constantly change to reflect the minor adjustments that Blizzard made with each patch.



World of Warcraft is practically a different game than when it first launched back in 2004. Through a continuous cycle of updates and expansions, systems have been changed, entire continents added, and character classes overhauled countless times. Many people like these changes (modern WoW is more accessible than ever), but a lot of people are nostalgic for Warcraft's days of yore and the way it used to play.


Until WoW Classic was announced, there were hugely popular private servers that illegally emulated World of Warcraft as it existed in 2004. But now Blizzard is creating an official version that it plans to support with continual updates.


WoW Classic will be an almost exact recreation of World of Warcraft as it existed in 2006, just before the first expansion, The Burning Crusade, came out. That means combat will be much slower and more lethal, quests will be less intuitive and dynamic, and getting around the world will take a hell of a lot longer. At the same time, WoW Classic will resurrect that hardcore breed of MMO that so many people originally fell in love with.



WoW Classic is built using patch 1.12, titled Drums of War, that released on August 22, 2006. The reason for this specific patch, Blizzard has said, is because this patch represents the vanilla version of WoW at its most feature-complete, stable, and well balanced. But, like modern World of Warcraft, WoW Classic won't be a static game that never changes. Blizzard wants to recreate the experience of playing WoW between 2004 and 2006 by releasing updates in Classic on roughly the same schedule as the original. The idea is that these updates will introduce new dungeons and core features but won't tinker with specifics like item or ability balance—which will stay the same over the course of WoW Classic's life, rooted in patch 1.12.

魔兽世界怀旧服是使用2006年8月22日发布的名为Drums of War的补丁1.12构建的。暴雪之所以用这个特定补丁的原因是因为这个补丁代表了魔兽世界的香草版本,其功能最完整,最稳定,并且很平衡。但是,就像现代魔兽世界一样,魔兽世界不会是一个永不改变的静态游戏。暴雪希望通过发布与原版大致相同的时间表来重现怀旧服的更新体验,从而重现2004年至2006年间玩魔兽世界的玩家们的体验。我们的想法是,这些更新将引入新的地下城和核心功能,但不会修改项目或能力平衡等细节 - 这将在WoW Classic的生活过程中保持不变,根据补丁1.12。

Once WoW Classic launches this summer, Blizzard has plans to roll out six phases of updates that will each introduce new raids, dungeons, items and equipment, and PvP features. These six phases are as follows:







黑翼巢穴暗月马戏团暗月甲板下降开始奥特兰克山谷(版本1.12 869)战歌峡谷




安其拉战争的努力开始了当战争努力决定时,安其拉袭击开始了地下城战利品重新配置:Tier 0.5 Dungeon gear,Relics,掉落率和位置变化




One thing to keep in mind is that while WoW Classic will roll out updates in similar pattern to its original release, all equipment, items, and abilities will mirror their final 1.12 versions. For example, the Tier 2 Helm of Wrath won't undergo constant stat revisions like it did between patches 1.5 and 1.9. Instead, no matter what phase you finally get the helmet, its stats will always be derived from its 1.12 patch version.

需要记住的一件事是,虽然魔兽世界怀旧服将以与其最初版本类似的模式推出更新,但所有装备、物品和能力都将反映出它们最终的1.12版本。例如,T2愤怒之盔将不会像1.5 - 1.9补丁那样持续修改属性。相反,无论你最终得到头盔的阶段是什么,它的统计数据总是来自于它的1.12补丁版本。


“文章转自国外权威游戏媒体PCGAMER,原作者Steven Messner ”


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